Cool Old Computer Info

Historic Computer Images does not disappoint, it has some great historic pictures! This is an example from the collection: “U.S. Army Photo”, number 163-12-62. Left: Patsy Simmers, holding ENIAC board Next: Mrs. Gail Taylor, holding EDVAC board Next: Mrs. Milly Beck, holding ORDVAC board Right: Mrs. Norma Stec, holding BRLESC-I board

Want to see lots of vintage Atari equipment (among others). Take a look at Old-Computer, it is in German but the pictures are great. I wonder how long it would take to backup my 120GB drive with a 1010 tape drive?

These were a big hit back in the day. Great for cheating on tests 🙂 . Have a look over at Ancient Computers for some computers, game systems and more!

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  1. You know what, I have one of those.

  2. Its sad, I prob. have some of these older machines around my house.

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