
A Temperature Controller for Home Appliances

  This idea is an excellent way to control the temperature of your home appliances to make things like a wine refrigerator fermenter. Mikey Sklar from screwdecaf has developed a project named YACT 2 which controls the temperature of most home appliances by using a precise temperature probe and relay to apply power to the appliance when needed. You can watch the video below to see the system in action. Mikey

Implementing fully adjustable Rapid Fire Mode for Xbox 360

  Shawn McCombs from thief dark has modified his Xbox 360 controller for rapid fire mode by making it fully adjustable. The video shows how the system works. It has a pot that mounts on the side which is used to make the adjustments to how the rapid fire works. “Now I will have to explain this one to you. You must desolder the three trigger pins shown in the

Automated Curtains using an Arduino

  I really like to automate everything around me. Adafruit has featured this cool Automated Curtain system which uses an Arduino to handle the control. You can also carry out this idea to bring an innovative change for your house by hiding this arduino based system somewhere behind your curtains.    Via: Adafruit “I built a controller so that I can open and close my curtains from the command line!