
China Syndrome – a Robot that navigates around

  ChuckCrunch from letsmakerobots found some parts on Ebay and came up with this idea to make a robot named China Syndrome that navigates around via ultrasound. He has described some steps for you so that you can try making your own. The video shows how it moves and navigates itself to find its way. “It was a dull night on the internet , so i was searching Ebay for

An interesting Robot that gathers Stories

  Meet Boxie, an interesting robot that is designed to self-learn about humans and the residents of a certain place. Check out what Alexander Reben from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)  has said about this really cool Robot that he has developed.  Via: MIT Media Lab “A robot roamed through the MIT Media Lab for a week, to learn about the humans there. It had a goal of capturing

Mini Sumo Robot with no Microcontroller

  This mini sumo robot was developed without using a microcontroller. Using circuits as an alternative to a microcontroller makes its implementation cost efficient since there isn’t much to it. Watch the video to see the machine demonstrated against a stationary object (I guess actual robot testing is the next step). Best of all there is no programmer needed to make a change, just tweak the detection wings a bit

PIC 18F4450 based Line Following Robot

PyroElectro highlights this attention-grabbing PIC 18F4450 based Line Following Robot project by some university students. The main purpose of this embedded system is to follow a line. You can also refer with the description below if you want to pick the idea for your academic projects. Via: PyroElectro “This was a second-year Embedded Systems Application Project at university. We were given the hardware and after assembling the robot, had to