
Mini Sumo Robot with no Microcontroller

  This mini sumo robot was developed without using a microcontroller. Using circuits as an alternative to a microcontroller makes its implementation cost efficient since there isn’t much to it. Watch the video to see the machine demonstrated against a stationary object (I guess actual robot testing is the next step). Best of all there is no programmer needed to make a change, just tweak the detection wings a bit

Recharge Phone Water

  You might think of the above picture as some kind of air freshener for your car. Well it is a really cool system designed by Signa Chemistry to recharge your phone with the help of teaspoon of water. Via: Electronics Lab “The company, working with partners, has developed a recharge system that requires just a tablespoon of water, a small metal tin the size of a snuff container and a

Solution to get rid of annoying Solder Fumes

  Solder Fumes are often annoying. I found this really good solution to get rid of the irritating solder fumes which always tend to rise up into my nose. If you can relate to this, you can also go through this easy solution by Jean-Claude Wippler from Jeelabs. He has described a simple procedure which does not need any high tech equipment for implementation.  “A small 12V brushless PC fan,