February 4, 2006

Touchless Light Switch

Anigmo has revolutionized the concept behind a light switch. This new design does not require physical contact to operate. Hand movements in front of the plate is all that is required. Gone are the days of clap on clap off… Click here to see how to work the lights. Source : I4U

Home Automation to the MAX

After outgrowing the capability of his Homeseer home automation system this guy decided to build his own. The system consists of a wide variety of hardware, everything from off the shelf X10 to custom build modules. For example to monitor his electricity consumption he is counting the number of times his meter flashes in a minute. What does it monitor? The easier question is what doesn’t it monitor… Currently it

Build a Stun Gun

Want to build a stun gun? You would be surprised how simple the electronic circuit is. The basic concept is to take a small voltage source and convert this into a much higher voltage. This is done by pulsing a high gain transformer and storing the high voltage in a capacitor. Click on the schematic below for a detailed look at a nice simple design from Electronics Lab. How Stuff