March 29, 2006

Large  Storage  Depth  Oscilloscope

Thomas Grocutt has built a PC based oscilloscope. He has full plans and build information on his site so you can build your own! “The initial purpose of this project was to create a cheap, easy to use digital storage oscilloscope (DSO). However we have gone a bit further since the original idea. One of the biggest problems with most DSO’s is there small storage depth, we decided to solve

Single and Dual Stage Rocket Timer

Steve Kosmerchock built a small light weight rocket timer for a friend of his. He is selling them for $40 on the XAVIEN web site. If you want to build your own Steve provides the schematic and firmware for free on his site. Have a look at some of his other PIC projects. Steve explains how the project started, “A co-worker of mine wanted a small timer that ranged from