March 30, 2006

Mini ITX Commodore 64 Project

Can your Commodore 64 play DVDs? I didn’t think so… If you want it to check this out! “The nice compact layout, the onboard features, the impulse-buyer-friendly price and the power (enough for the usual stuff while I have to feed my P4 with SETI or Folding@home just to keep it from becoming bored), had not passed unnoticed. I didn’t care too much about the power consumption, you need an

Hack a Hummer Off Road Game into a Commodore 64

David Murray took the $20 Hummer Off Road Racing game and converted it into a working Commodore 64. Included on his site are instructions on how to hack the audio, video circuits to work better. “Inside, it contains the Commodore 64 DTV chip, designed by Jeri Ellsworth. It is the same chip being sold inside the Commodore 64 DTV Joystick currently being sold in Europe. (DTV = Direct to TV)