April 14, 2006

Hard Drive Generator

So you have already build a hard drive clock. What else could an old hard drive be good for? How about a hard drive generator? The guys at The Workshop were thinking outside of the box when they came up with this one. “Here’s an excelent way to recycle your old hard drives and have them create energy for you! This site shows how to use a bunch of old

LED Touch Sensor

What can you do with an LED? They only provide light right? Wrong! JustDIY has done some extensive testing and documentation of a phenomenon that is not very well known. LEDs can be used as an input device! “This is a collection of the work I’ve done with using the bi-directional properties of LEDs. I have also included links to information I’ve found on the subject and the project by

NES Controller to Xbox Hack

So I am sure you have thought about playing your Xbox with a NES controller right? Well now you have! Where could you possible find documentation to do such a wild thing? Simple, altHack have everything you need. They have a parts list, tool list, schematic diagrams, well labeled pictures of the process and more. So what are you waiting for? Get hacking! The project is broken into three sections,