VW Sign LED Upgrade

Hacked Gadget forum member Jared Harley posted an interesting VW sign LED project that he did for his friend Toby. The original blue fluorescent bulb was broken and LEDs were used as an alternative light source. Jared drilled some holes in the edge of the sign, hot glued some current limited LEDs in place and voila, good as new.

“The plan is to remove the light fixture from within the metal casing (slides out) and replace it with an LED fixture. The sign is 301 mm long by 7.5 mm wide. Because of how thin the sign is, I chose to use 3 mm blue LEDs from FrozenCPU.com. 14 holes will be drilled along the top of the sign, each 20 mm apart.”


  1. *voila
    Viola is an instrument.

  2. Thanks,

    I guess a proofreader is better than a spell checker any day 🙂

  3. heh. Some misspellings really get to me. 😛

  4. Damnit! I’m usually good at catching those…

  5. hey what program was used for the
    ‘the wizard said’ picture?

  6. I wish people would show better detail in photos and explain completely. sigh!!!

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