Technology Maiwagon 2006

Here is a mobile neighborhood party maker. Comes complete with bar, barbeque, stereo, computer, Playstation, LED Music show… The list goes on and on, have a look at the gallery for pictures of the build.

“Generally, we emphazise high tech these days and the wagon is full of electronic and software features, which no model of the local or national competition can match (the international competition may, perhaps, but we are not so aware of those). There are two reasons for this:
a) We have highly qualified electronics- and software specialists, who like to utilise their professional skills in a fun project.
b) Because of a very narrow garage exit and especially because of very steep parts on the road (up to 20%), we are forced to improve the wagon in areas that do not add that much in size or weight. A combustion engine is not really an alternative as this years local competition with their noisy and stinking motorcycle engine demonstrated.”

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