May 31, 2006

MIT Party Mode, Dorm Room Automation

Zack Anderson and Russell Ryan over at MIT are playing hard, not sure where they find time to study. 🙂 Check out the elaborate dorm room automation system they have developed. “What happens at 4:10 am when you have a bunch of MIT students hard at work? Naturally, they throw an instant party with their automated control system. Since moving into my dorm this last fall, my roommate RJ Ryan

Asimo Technology

Honda has spent lots of cash on Asimo and it shows. Some of the video links on the site don’t work. Click on this video link and all of the video links below it work properly. “Honda added intelligence technology to ASIMO which is capable of interpreting the postures and gestures of humans and moving independently in response. ASIMO’s ability to interact with humans has advanced significantly—it can greet approaching