Jade Integration’s Wall-socket ‘Jack PC’ Consumes Just 5 Watts

Nice small gadget but I can see problems in the future when trying to deploy more horsepower to the desktop. It is a nice way to reclaim some space in a cramped cubical though.

“The Jack PC may not turn out to be a jack-of-all-trades but still it stands apart with its breakthrough power consumption and miniature size. Jade Integration will roll out its skinny Jack next month that fits into a wall socket and amazingly draws its power over Ethernet.

The energy-efficient PC runs on two layered circuit boards and carries a low power consuming 500MHz AMD RISC processor that sucks only 5 Watts of energy. ”

Via: GizmoWatch


  1. This would be perfect for a car/moped/messenger bag pc, or am I missing something?

  2. That’s possible but you would still need a monitor, keyboard and mouse to plug into it…

  3. This would be fantastic for a terminal setup, as many larger organizations are beginning to move (back) to. If the Jack PC acts as a terminal for a citrix server, for example, essentially all you will see on the user’s desk is the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. All the processing and data storage happens on the server. With keyboards coming with USB hubs these days, you don’t even really need anything else; any other hardware can plug in via USB.

    Pretty frickin sweet if you ask me.

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