June 14, 2006

Top 5 LEGO Rubber Band Guns

1. Rapid Fire This rapid fire LEGO gun looks like lots of fun. This is what you need on your side when the next office battle breaks out. Well I guess the Nerf USB Cannon might still win the battle… 2. Remote Controlled Gun I need one of these for my front door. I can see who is there and get rid of them if I don’t want to talk

 Frequency Counter using a PIC

If you are looking to make a DIY PIC chip Frequency Counter check out this site. There is full instructions on how to make your own. “The circuit diagram is so simple that I didn’t make a complete Eagle schematic for it yet (other builders did, see links). The first prototype was built on a breadboard with round pads. A very similar design could be used for a single-sided printed

Toilet Paper iPod Holder

Well I think someone was thinking about selling a uinique product to a niche market. Someone better tell that engineer that the niche market needs to be greater than 10 people. “There isn’t much to say about Atech’s iCarta iPod dock and Bath Tissue Holder. No joke; someone actually made a speaker system for the iPod with a toilet paper holder attached. The iCarta’s sporting four speakers, a charging iPod