Tactical Sniper Watch

When is a watch more than a method of telling time? When it can calculate ballistics trajectories! That is what the Tactical Sniper Watch can do. The ENIAC was doing the same thing but it was a bit bigger.

“Calculate point of impact by inputting critical variables that determine elevation and wind adjustments. Works on all MILDOT, TMOA, SMOA and clicking rifle scopes. Punch in data about the ammunition you are shooting and the conditions you are shooting in and the watch will display the appropriate hold over for a sure hit… It’s that simple. This enhances a shooter’s confidence to engage targets out to 1,000 meters with “whenever/wherever” portability. Data is easy to enter – even through gloves – with the most critical information arranged for fast change and access. Accuracy on your wrist!”

Via: Gadgetophile

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