Scarf for Techno-Addicts

I almost fell off my chair laughing when I saw the Techno-Addict Scarf.

“Advertise to the world that you’re alone and want to stay that way with a privacy scarf developed by Joe Malia, a grad student who apparently can’t do without his portable media. Besides being completely dorky-looking, we can’t imagine this garment being anywhere near comfortable. How can you breathe in the thing?”


  1. Hopefully the mugger will be laughing too hard to actually grab the scarf and choke you with it while he steals your electronic device…

  2. That’s what we call a “Pornoscope”.
    U can use it to wach your porn privately…

  3. this makes you look like a retard

  4. It makes you look like a retard, but you can watch your adult movies without others knowing.. Guess it’s worth it. 🙂

  5. I bet they make the women secretaries in Iraq wear them.

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