July 10, 2006

Earthquake Detector

If you ever wanted to play around with a earthquake detector, this system look quite simple and well documented. “Let me admit at the outset that due to a scandalous absence of earthquakes in Northern Ireland this project has never been tested on any meaningful earth-movement whatsoever. However, the setup is sensitive enough to detect passing cars, bad-tempered neighbours slamming doors 10 metres away and pile drivers at a distance

Home Built Laser Projector

Have a look at this laser projector. It is home made but the results are fantastic! Video Example 1 Video Example 2 “This is a challenging project that to build the laser projector with professional grade :-). The most important component used for laser projectors is the laser unit, He-Ne laser had been used in early days, multi-colored mixed gas laser is currently used for high end laser projector and