July 22, 2006

Computer Controlled Robot Face

  This Computer Controlled Robot Face needs to be hooked up to an IM client to freak people out “The goal of this project was to create a head that can be used to display information. The face can be a very powerful method of conveying information, and a robotic head can serve as a very useful indicator. This project is meant to provide computer programs the benefit of using

Lego mindstorm Emotion Head

  Have you ever been frustrated with technology? This technology should be incorporated into other devices so that you could yell at your devices… Bad Computer… “In this third year project the student built a robotic face (from Lego mindstorm) capable of expressing emotion, and software that allowed the robot to responded to the tone of the user voice. In the future many more devices around the home may have

CPU Fried Eggs

Everyone needs some variety, once you have built the computer toaster this project is an obvious step. 🙂 “The tools needed are: 1 x Egg 1 x Roll of Silver Foil 1 x Brown Sauce 2 x Slices Bread 1 x Heatsink The heatsink was important when thinking about this test, and I wanted something completely different from “The Norm” I wanted people to think “Cool, Thats er, wierd” I