August 14, 2006

Jet Powered Scooter

Well this is one way to get a bit more speed out of a moped! “Here’s my wife’s Honda Metropolitan scooter. She wants it to go faster than 40 mph. So I have these two little JFS 100 jet engines and I am thinking how to put them on the scooter. Engines are 50 lbm each so weight is an issue. Will probably use air-start with a carbon fiber tank

3D Vectors using a PIC Microcontroller

  This PIC based project is an example of some serious programming. 3D vectors are usually not even considered to be attempted using a microcontroller. The results are very impressive. “Managed to get the new Nokia 6100 colour LCD working, and ported most of the 3D code over to a new board. Whole project has moved from 5v to a 3.3v board. The new LCD uses an SPI bus instead