August 2006

Flame Case Mod

Have a look at this wild Flame Case Mod. Not the everyday oval window by any stretch! The quote is translated, not extremely well though… “AfterBurned are of weinige real recent co-mods. The mod have been built by Sander “Blackcrown” of Heerde and Kevin “Piet_Friet” Kijzerwaard in only 3.5 month. On the question if they wanted write so-called caseview for case junkies the answer was directly: “tuurlijk.” Concerning AfterBurned, Blackcrown

Skydiving with Turbine Engines

  Strap a turbine engine to anything to enhance the cool factor! “Well, one gutsy, and apparently rich, skydiver decided to have a go at flying without wings by strapping a pair of turbine engines to his boots. Lucky for us, there was video coverage, and the internet. Youtube has it all for us to gape at” Via: TechEBlog

Hacking the Atari Flashback 2

I remember spending many countless hours playing games on the Atari 2600. You can still find some of the original consoles on Ebay or in garage sales. But if you want to hack the new Atari Flashback 2 console to play your vintage cartridges you are in luck, this article will give you the necessary information to get the job done. “So, you’ve decided to take your Atari Flashback 2