September 4, 2006

Interactive Boxes

  Natural Interaction has made some very cool inventions. This has to be one of the best! “In the studio of the italian designer Achille Castiglioni, visitors may peek inside some of his projects just by trying to open the boxes containing the materials: the action is completed virtually, while different voices explain what you see on the table. Collaboration with Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. ” Via: TechEBlog

Vintage Bluetooth Telephone

Are you tired of your Bluetooth head-set looking like all the rest? Why not go retro. “Now what to do with all those old analog phones you have stuffed away in you attic? Well I will tell you, you combine your Bluetooth headset with it. Ingredients: 1 old style analog phone 1 Bluetooth headset 1 soldering iron (small tip preferred) some solder various screwdrivers hot glue gun some stranded wire