The Remember Ring

What’s that burning feeling? Oh yeah, it’s my anniversary… The Remember Ring is an interesting concept that might be just the thing us forgetful guys need. 🙂 Still a concept but I think it would sell. I guess you could also just build this feature into a watch and be done with it though.

“One of the worst things, if not the worst, a husband can do is forget his own anniversary. You will never forget to get flowers or some jewelry with your Remember Ring.

It looks like a standard ring, nothing special. But inside, there’s a heating element that will start to heat up when it’s about 24 hours to the special day. The temperature starts at 120 F and keeps getting warmer every hour from there.

The heat isn’t constant, though, it only last for ten seconds. That’s enough to cause discomfort, which is better than getting ignored for a week or two, but not enough to be really painful.

There’s no need for batteries, either. The micro thermopile converts the heat from your hand into electricity which will keep your battery charged and the microchip clock running constantly.”

Via: Coolest Gadgets and Digital Drops


  1. Cool idea 🙂
    I would buy one of these as I barely remember our anniversaries.

  2. Does anyone know where to find more information about converting body heat to power for powering microcontroller. This is a great idea and could be used in many projects.

  3. I recently stumbled across this technology in an ieee trade magazine and it made me start salivating.
    This technology is related to peltier thermoelectric coolers
    …and “cool” ideas and creative juices just start flowing, now don’t they?
    Happy sigh…

  4. I’d like to tie this into my treo and use it as an event alarm 🙂

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