Floppy Disk Bag

Looking for something to do with the pile of old floppy disks you have? Why not make a bag out of them…

“This is a bag I made from floppy disks. I found scads of floppy disks in a dumpster and wanted to make plate mail armor out of it (that is my next floppy project) I found out that a bag would be a great proof of concept project.

Required Bits
* Drill, hand, regular or trephine
* 1/8″ drill bit
* Pliers, I used bulldog pliers
* Floppy disks (CRUCIAL)
* Links, bits of chain from your local bead store
* Nails and a plank o’ wood
* A pen
* Elementary math skills Eg: the ability to count
* NOT PICTURED – The hardware for adding a strap”


  1. That seems like the most uncomfortable cool thing you’d ever wear, inclduding Uggs.

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