October 14, 2006

Smoke-Belching Gargoyle

Instead of going to Walmart and buying some creatures for your lawn why not build your own? “Our gargoyles are hollow rubber skins, supported by an internal skeleton of PVC pipe. Note that the garg is sitting on a “rock” that is also molded into the skin. We’ll put the fogger inside that area. We tucked a fogger under the garg, in the space between the skeleton parts. Ductwork carries

Hybrid Solar Lighting

  If I had it my way I would be working under natural light using Sunlight Direct system. Something tells me that I can’t afford it. 🙂 Ideas like this are sure to come down in cost when they are mass produced. "The HSL3010’s solar collector consists of a two-axis tracking mechanism that supports a 48" diameter plastic primary mirror, a smaller secondary mirror, and a fiber optic receiver unit.