iPod Earrings

The iRing, for the geek girl that has everything. ๐Ÿ™‚

“I introduce the iRings, which put simply is a pair of earbuds, mutilated and turned into a little girls (well atleast I hope) fashion statement. The iRings are not availible in stores yet, but how hard could it be to turn earbuds into iRings. Now before you go grab a pair of scissors and start cutting away, make sure you have an extra pair of headphones, because your earbuds, will not work anymore once they are cut.”

Via: MP3 Buzz


  1. Definately a different idea… but I think it would be cool if oyu figured out a way you didn’t have to cut the wires so they could be earings that double as headphones ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. It’d be cooler if they were iPod Nano’s dangling from her ears.

  3. it will be cooler if apple would use bluetooth.and the headphones would have it.then you don;t need wires.

  4. Worst.



  5. Wdf this is so stupid what idiot would want to wear headphones as earrings…

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