Twenty Dollar Halloween Prop


How may of us could build this prop for $20.00? I have lots of parts laying around from old projects, but one trip to Home Depot and my budget would be blown…

“This is “Wilfred”, my contest entry. He is a full sized animatronic greeter for my haunt. He is made entirely from ordinary objects anyone can obtain, and is made for just under $20!! What did Prop builders use before PVC was invented? Scrap wood, of course! The armature for this prop is made entirely of wood. Don’t make fun of my wood working skills, as they are non existant. This pic shows how the fan is mounted. Purple coat on, and black burlap for a shaw. I had an old PVC pipe segment left over from Cemetery fence, so I gave him a cane. I would like to paint it, but I am at the limit with the cost, so it’ll have to just stay white. ”


  1. Awesome prop. I am trying to build a couple of props for a haunted house for my kids this year. I have a fan that I was thinking of working with and this prop is awesome. My question is what did you do to get the eyes and jaws to move?



  2. Hi Paul,

    This project was just featured here, I am not the creator. I would normally say click on the link for more information but it looks like the link has gone bad… There are some simple servos inside the head that move the eyes.

  3. My name is Bob..I am the creator. I was a bit surprised to see this here!
    pretty cool! The eyes and jaws use steering motors from toy trucks.
    I’m changing domains, so my site is down temporarily, but will be up again shortly.
    Thanks for you interest!

  4. Hi Bob,

    Thanks for stopping by! Let me know when the new domain is good to go and I will update the link to point to the new home of the project.

  5. Well, I AM a Halloween prop builder! Heheh..

  6. Hello Bob, Great stuff!!! Is your new site up and running yet please let me know the link

  7. Here’s the link…
    Not much there yet, just got the domain. I have alot of hacks
    going up in there, including adding servo control to the 20 dollar
    prop mentioned above, holdina hacked Gemmy talking lantern
    which is also hacked, he will be holding and having a conversation with.

  8. I really have been interested in seeing more props. but I went to the noises in the attic website and nothing has changed since last year. If anyone else has anymore cool links please post them. Thanks

  9. Oh wow…This is an old thread. I have been VERY lax in getting my site up and running. My apologies. I do have some new stuff in the works, and hopefully will update soon. In the meantime, if you really wanna see whats happening with me up to date, visit I usually post frequent updates there.

  10. hey do u know where i could posibly get an good 100 dollar halloween prop if u do email me back


  11. Your prop looks really neat. Would you mind sharing exactly how you constructed it for movement. We are working on a Halloween party for this year and something like this would be great to include.

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