November 12, 2006

Shimei Semiconductor Grows Blue LED on Silicon Wafer

LED technology has changed quite dramatically over the past decade. EE Times has an article in their latest edition that might have some drastic process changes that could lead to some significant price reductions. “Shimei Semiconductor Co. has developed a blue LED grown on a silicon wafer that it plans to make available by next April. Using silicon wafers as a substrate for GaN epitaxy could drastically lower the cost,

iTurbo Charge

Not a revolutionary product, but the iTurbo Charge looks quite well done. I like the size and versatility. Internally it is probably a simple charge pump design. “Shaped (and sized) like a tube of lip balm, it’s going on sale next week for $30, initially available in black and white, but no (OTHER)colors. It can be turned on and off to prevent the iPod sucking juice when not in use,