November 2006

SerReg - PIC based PC Montor and Control System

If you have a spare computer you might want to put it to good use as a monitor and control system. “SerReg is a small home controller intended to turn your personal computer ( PC ) into a process control / data collection system. With the appropriate sensors SerReg can monitor physical variables such as pressure, temperature, light intensity, weight, movement etc, process the information and then use the result

Pentium 2 Lamp

Looks like Chris Rybitski has been hard at work… Have a look at one of his latest creations. “This lamp was commissioned by Amanda Webb. It is made from a brushed aluminum hard drive case and a Pentium 2 processor. There are LED’s strategically placed around the base of the lamp along with 2 LED’s aimed at the processor. There are a total of 9 LED’s. The LED’s are controlled

Speed Stabilizer for Dremel Drill

Mondo Technology has a PIC microcontroller circuit for running your Dremel at slower speeds. “The Dremel drill fitted with a mini drill-chuck on a stand is a great setup for drilling circuit boards. The problem is that it does not do low speeds very well. My unit had a failed internal speed controller, so I just wired around it and connected it to a regulated 24 volt DC supply. This

Underwater Robots

  These underwater robots are quite interesting, I still think that the swimming snake robot trumps them for the cool factor. ‘The swimming pool at Kobe university Japan was home to the first underwater robot festival. With around 75 % of our planet covered in water these robots will help us uncover secrets what lies in dark world underneath. Of the 21 robots showcased we pick the 3 most interesting

Paintball Snipermag Mod

There is a nice paintball mod over at the Coolest Gadgets forum. “First is the air on config, with the paint under the tank. I can honestly say that if I had a ten inch or shorter barrel and was not in need of that red dot then I would TOTALLY use this setup. VERY comfy to shoulder, and very rugged. That Q pod is safe as hell under that

Making of Robosapien V2

Robo Community has got their hands on some early prototype pictures of Robosapien V2. I find it interesting how the early prototypes look like something that would come out of a hobbyists basement. 🙂 “Before Robosapien V2 could impress your friends with his unique personality, dance moves, and bowling finess, he had to start as an idea and evolve into the super-bot he is today. Below is an exciting, behind

Chinook Destructive Resonance Test

  Popular Science Blog has an interesting article about a Chinook Helicopter ground resonance test. The videos are amazing! To learn more about ground resonance the chinook-helicopter site has some good reading and lots more videos of this bird in action. “According to PopSci’s aviation expert, Bill Sweetman, helicopters are prone to resonant effects, which is why resonance ground testing (as seen in this video) is a standard part of