January 3, 2007

X10 Lighting Monitoring

Here is an interesting home automation indication mod. “Like almost all the currently available UK X10 modules, the LD11 does NOT support status response. This coupled with the fact that X10 commands can sometimes “go astray” and seemingly disappear into the electrical ether before reaching the chosen device, means that the tracking of the current status of a device is very error prone. Intelligent controllers like HomeVision and software like

Building a BlueSniper Rifle

If range is what your Bluetooth exploration needs have a look at the BlueSniper Rifle. “With the BlueSniper rifle, you can discover Bluetooth devices and perhaps perform exploits such as copying an address book. But the physical construction of the rifle is only half of the battle. In this installment, I’ll cover the software side of construction by providing a step-by-step for building a custom Linux kernel for the rifle.

Wiimote-Controlled USB Missile Launcher

Control your missile launcher with your Wiimote. Video after the jump. “Here we go with the latest wiihack. This time you can controll with the wiimote a USB missile launcher. Now dont misunderstand here… this missile launcher fires out nothing but foam rockets. I just didnt want you thinking that you could rule the world with one of these things. Still, it’s a cool idea and well worth looking at