January 9, 2007

10MHz DDS Sine/Square Function Generator based on the AD9835

Here is a 10MHz function generator with full details on how to build it. “An extremely simple and low cost Sine/Square wave generator based on the Analog Devices AD9835 Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Generator chip. The frequency can be set for any frequency from 1Hz to 10MHz in 1Hz resolution steps! All this with three push buttons and a novel “sliding window” LED display. The controller chip is a Microchip

Car With Twin Jet Engines For Sale On eBay

If you are looking to make a car mod that will keep people from riding your bumper this is one solution. Instead of modding your own car you could just buy this one. “WORLD’S ONLY JET CAR WITH TWIN JET ENGINES 2 – T58 General electric Jet engines with afterburners Ready to race !” Via: OhGizmo