January 16, 2007

Virtual Impact Suit

It seems that vibration is a very common element in modern gaming. Lots of joysticks have it built in to give the player a more immersive experience. For example a bomb explodes close to you and you can feel it in the joystick, you get shot and you feel that too. The Virtual Impact Suit takes it to the next level, you would literally feel the bullet hit you in

Get in Shape with a Wii

Here is a good selling point of the Wii. Yes it is fun to play, but it looks like the Wii is also healthy… “For most people this is their most anticipated category. To be honest, I was genuinely surprised by my end results, so I’ll just get right to it. I lost 9lbs! Obviously this doesn’t compare to Jared and the Subway diet, but I started out at a