Once the full scale version of this car is made all it will need is a paint ball gun to keep the bad guys away!
“Build a security robot that can be controlled and viewed over the internet. The planned final version will be a kids 48” electric car with a network camera attached.
1/4 Scale Trial Version:
I opted to try this out with a $20 RC car from Wal-Mart first, before I invest $200 in a kids car.
Linksys WRT54G Router – Used as the wireless connection from Bestbuy
Comfiletech: Industrial Micro Controller/PLC “Cubloc”- http://www.comfiletech.com/index.asp
Maxport: Ethernet to RS232 converter with web server. From http://www.comfiletech.com/index.asp
Kowasaki RC car from Wal-Mart
Camera: None yet. I intend to use an Axis 206, when I can find one cheap on ebay”
Via: ZedoMax and Make