February 2007

USB Dust mask

Got a dusty computer room? Don’t clean, just purchase a USB mask. 🙂 “The USB Mask looks essentially like it has a pair of PC case fans on either side that are powered by the black USB cord that comes out of the front of the mask. From the photos, it also appears you’re supposed to wear a standard dust mask underneath the USB Mask for additional air filtration. I

Dish Maker

The Dish Maker looks like an interesting product but I think the “recycling” process might be understated. There are issues he needs to address. I hope he made a platter or mixing bowl function. What about strange shaped dishes or pitchers? Will this machine make measuring cups as well? I know my utensils take up every inch my plates cups and bowls do. I am assuming that the dirty dishes will

Custom Function Key Box

Check out the latest keyboard project over at uC Hobby. If you want a free LCD display from uC Hobby, read this. “Here you see the controller board sitting in the new box with the wires soldered on. I did do some modifications to the switch box PCB. The red jumper wire provides an isolated ground for the LEDs. The two wires, orange and white in upper left get power

High Altitude Balloon Experiment

Have a look at this cool High Altitude Balloon Experiment that is unfolding. Bre Pettis (many know him from Make) is one of the people involved with this project. There is lots of construction details and specs. up and tons of construction pictures to look at. The launch date is March 4th so stay tuned… “This project is launching a (relatively) high altitude balloon carrying a number of digital cameras

Robotic Beer Launching Fridge

What a fantastic idea! With the push of a button the Robotic Beer Launching Fridge will get a cold beer from inside the cooler and launch it right too you. Just make sure you don’t accidental sit on the launch button or you might be explaining a black eye. I think the next step in development should be the introduction of multiple remotes, or even fixed buttons that will launch

Graffiti Research Lab's L.A.S.E.R. Tag

Have a look at this laser light show! Guaranteed to get some attention… Video after the jump. “The main event of the GRL Rotterdam tour – ‘L.A.S.E.R TAG’ – 60mw geek graffiti madness. Watch the video here on the Graffiti Research Lab website. In the spirt of GRL’s and Eyebeam’s open source beliefs, we are posting the code and executable for the Laser Tag application online for you to download,