Dish Maker

The Dish Maker looks like an interesting product but I think the “recycling” process might be understated. There are issues he needs to address. I hope he made a platter or mixing bowl function. What about strange shaped dishes or pitchers? Will this machine make measuring cups as well? I know my utensils take up every inch my plates cups and bowls do. I am assuming that the dirty dishes will need to be washed before being placed back into the machine. That being the case, a dishwasher of some sort will still be needed. Sorry ladies and gentlemen, I guess you will need to keep your appliances in working order until the Dish Maker gets a cleaning function. Until then, these folks will help you keep your dishwasher functioning properly.

Video after the jump.

“Hate dishes? the DishMaker is a new kind of appliance that can replace dishes altogether by making cups, bowls and plates on demand and recycling them when you’re done. the device uses up the same room and energy as a dishwasher, while it replaces all the cabinets and dishes in your kitchen. the DishMaker takes advantage of a little-known shape-memory property of acrylic so that one dish can be recycled a thousand times without consuming the energy that does into a single-use ceramic dish.”



  1. Nice idea but what happens when you decide to put something hot in the bowl lol

  2. LOL, never thought about that Chris. Use a temperature sensor to ensure your soup is within the allowable temperature specifications…

    Or what would happen if it was accidentally placed in the microwave!

  3. Uhm, chris that would never be a problem. Water in a real life situation can’t get that hot, it turns to steam (at 1 atm) at 212 degrees (F).

    The dishes do seem mildly impractical because of how small they are, but a cool idea.

  4. this rocks no more washing dishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Alan,
    first, is that really you who just commented, and second, you need to develop the idea waaaaaaaay more to even make the idea plausible. look at the size of those dishes! and both of us know that simply heating up to 300 degrees will not clean every dish. What about cups? and tell me a guy from MIT doesnt actually say LOL. Great initial idea, bad execution. keep working at it.

  6. first of all, the acyrlic wont melt at the temperature of hot soup, i think its useless now, because the disks cant be used for like a long time, but, if they can make disks that last for a long time, i would buy it.

  7. Still the concept is a solid one, It would be kewl to see this in an implementation that we could use as home.

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