BillaBoop – Real-Time Audio Driven Drum Controller

BillaBoop was created by Amaury Hazan who is a PhD Student at the Music Technology Group and is specialized in Machine Learning and its applications in the Music Technology field.

Video after the jump.

“BillaBoop is a real-time audio driven drum controller which allows the user to control up to 3 drum instruments. The user can control any drum synth with the voice (beat box), or any object or musical instrument.

Unlike other audio-driven systems wich require a lot of parameter tuning to be able to discriminate the sounds you are playing, BillaBoop incorporates an efficient Machine Learning component which enables the system to learn by demonstration. In a few seconds you show the system what are the sounds you aim to use and you can start using them.”

Via: The Gadget Blog



  1. I would feel much more at home hooking a set of drum pads to something like this…..

  2. learn to play dude!

  3. Thats actualy pretty hot, I wonder if he is going to make the source code avail

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