1. I hope this works on a old Samsung LCD with a little convincing. I ripped an old one apart last week for some parts, and it would be nice to use that LCD.

  2. my nokia 3310 is displaying security code when i turn it on , HELP, IS THERE A DEFUALT CODE ,can anyone help please

  3. Hi Ali,
    The default code is 12345.

  4. Man! and I just threw my old Nokia away, too!

  5. Its always nice to see ancient tech getting a second life.

  6. Hi Ivan,

    Click on the article links, it’s in there. 🙂

  7. Hi Guys!
    i tryed to built this thermo,but i have some problems with its Function.

    when i put the Voltage, it shows the same thing as the display at the top of the page, but just for 1 second, and then nothing at all, when i pull the GND and i put it again , it do the same,
    how can i have a stable Display picture??

  8. sir, can u please send me the instruction set file (.asm – assembly) file
    on the nokia 3310 lcd thermometer, pls

  9. Hi Sagar,

    Looks like the original article that was linked to was moved. The link in the article now points to the article again.

  10. sir plz give me source code in the form of assembly,basic or c.i request u sir

  11. Nice blog, i have added it to my favourites, greetings

  12. sir plz give me source code in the form of assembly,basic or C request u sir

  13. HI Simo,

    Please click on the link in the article for more information.

  14. need .asm or c file for this,,,,plzzzz

  15. Looks like the HEX is provided (click on the link in the article). But I don’t seen any source code.

  16. Hi.
    Please send me source code project.Assembly or C unimportant.
    I needed help.

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