May 21, 2007

ALAVs - Autonomous Light Air Vessels

Jed Berk created this Autonomous Light Air Vessel, it is just one of the contraptions that were on display this weekend at the Make Faire. “ALAVs 2.0 (Autonomous Light Air Vessels) are networked objects that communicate the concept of connectivity among people, objects, and the environment. Through the use of mobile technologies people can influence the behavior of the ALAVs by starting conversations and building closer relationships with them. ALAVs

Nintendo NES Controller Business Card Holder

If you are a Nintendo fan this business card holder may make a good addition to your desk. “Here is a business card holder that looks like a Nintendo controller, from the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Stylish and retro art for your desk, not only cool looking but also functional and useful! It will hold plenty of business cards while showcasing your video gaming pride! This is made out