June 15, 2007

Hacked Gadgets Milestone

Hacked Gadgets has just passed a few huge milestones, this is thanks to all of our regular readers, our huge Web community of friends (sorry if your site isn’t in the link section, please submit your site for consideration if you feel it should be there) and our advertisers. We are celebrating by giving away some extra special prizes for the next contest. The traffic for last month was over

Atmel Atmega based Electromagnetic Floater

We have all seen these floating globes in the novelty stores and online. How would you like to build one? J. Hodgie has put together an article that will walk you through the required steps to make your own. The code for the Atmel ATMega168 Microcontroller is also provided. “It is much like the floating globes you can buy, except it works by balancing the forces of permanent magnets with