Hacked Gadgets Milestone

Hacked Gadgets has just passed a few huge milestones, this is thanks to all of our regular readers, our huge Web community of friends (sorry if your site isn’t in the link section, please submit your site for consideration if you feel it should be there) and our advertisers. We are celebrating by giving away some extra special prizes for the next contest.

The traffic for last month was over 500,000 page loads, the site has been close in prior months but it was exciting to see that milestone surpassed! Just recently our RSS readers via Feedburner broke the 5,000 barrier, have a look at all of our feed options if you are not currently subscribed.

Hacked Gadgets has also been climbing the ranks at Technorati, they keep track of over 86 million sites worldwide. Our current Technorati rank is puts us in the top 6,000 of worldwide sites! If you are a Technorati member why not add Hacked Gadgets as a favorite. 🙂

The feedback from the contests that we have been running have been extremely positive, thanks to everyone who took the time to send in their feedback. It’s because of the advertisers that we are able to have some cool swag to give away to our contest winners.

Here is a list of our current advertisers:
(add yourself to the list)

Nuts and Volts
Electronics Lab
KSAntenna Solutions
Tech Dispenser
Hack A Wii
Biz Rate
Think Geek
Apple TV Hacks
I Fix It
Klear Gear
Invisible Shield
First Street
ITC Electronics
Gadget Shack
Handy Recovery
Verizon Wireless
TD Canada Trust


  1. Congads! Glad to be reading this site.

  2. congradulomationses.

  3. Congraaaaaaaatulations !!

  4. Congrats Alan! Get bigger and rule the blogging empire! 🙂

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