July 28, 2007

Hacked Gadgets June Comment Contest Winner

Sorry for the delay in selecting and announcing the winner of the comment contest. The winner of the ThinkGeek gift certificate is Mr. Maigo, comment #4 on the USB Controlled Traffic Light Status Indicator article. Congratulation on winning Mr. Maigo and thanks to all who participated. “ThinkGeek started as an idea. A simple idea to create and sell stuff that would appeal to the thousands of people out there who

NES MP3 Player and Speakers

Morte Moya has created some neat NES gadgets. First he created an MP3 player from a NES controller. The next logical step was to make a speaker system from a NES game cartridge. What could be next? Video after the jump. “Some of you may have seen my NES Controller MP3 player. This is a companion project for it. I sometimes like to sit around and listen to music so

Name the Thing Contest - 13

Congratulation to winner of the last contest. The prize this week is a mini tripod, have fun snapping pictures of your latest hack with it. 🙂 This contest will run for this weekend only (July 28 – 29, 2007) . To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.   Send an