July 31, 2007

Cardboard Tube Bridge

We have all seen the Popsicle stick bridges that can hold some heavy weights. This cardboard tube bridge takes bridge building to the next level! “Weighing 7.5 tonnes, the bridge is made from 281 cardboard tubes, each 11.5 centimetres (four inches) across and 11.9 millimetres thick. The steps are recycled paper and plastic and the foundations wooden boxes packed with sand. Balloons filled with 1.5 tonnes of water were used

Open Source Hardware - Phillip Torrone and Limor Fried

Click To Play   Phil Torrone from Make Magazine and Limor Fried from Adafruit Industries presented a fantastic keynote at OSCON (O’Reilly Open Source Convention). The video is about an hour long but it is worth it. Here are some links to a few item mentioned. RepRap – 3D Printer WRT54G – Linksys Router Chumby Botanicalls Open Prosthetics Project Arduino Roomba Make Store “Open source hardware is a term slowly