iPhone Hacked to run NES

Apple wanted the iPhone to be a closed system. With a bit of creative coding that has all changed. If you want to play some NES games, all you need is a iPhone and you are good to go! Have a look at the Google Code page for the iPhone NES Emulator for more details.

Video after the jump.

“A native NES emulator for the iPhone, currently using the InfoNES core. Presently there is no sound, and the emulator is a little slow (most likely due to the way I’m drawing onto the screen). And the control is a bit iffy (using an image of an actual controller, while cute, sucks).

ROMs need to be placed in /var/root/Media/ROMs/NES ”

Via: Tuaw and Digg



  1. would be neat, but it’s totally fake.
    It’s a video displayed on the iphone…

  2. i love this phone…haemmm, iPhone!
    but here (Italy) commercialization is so far…

    i need cry :°(

  3. @Nil
    i don’t see anything about the iPhone…

  4. That is sooo killer. I bow before your skill.

  5. It looks pretty cool to me. I just wish I had an iPhone.

  6. Only if I had $$$ hundred dollars for an iPhone… or I could just use my DS

  7. @kevin
    iPhone processor is an ARM1176JZ(F)-S
    ( http://www.engadget.com/2007/07/01/iphone-processor-found-620mhz-arm/ )


    “InfoNES is an open-sourced NES emulator, that runs on Win32, x86/Linux, PS2/Linux, WinCE(H/PC, P/PC, P/PC2002, l’genda, BE-300, BE-500), GBA(GameBoy Advance), GP32(GamePark 32), Zaurus/Linux, N-Gage(Nokia s60), OSASK, Pekoe, and PlayStation2. If you plan to create a NES emulator for embedded devices (i.e. Palm, Nokia 7650, SmartPhone 2002, etc.), InfoNES is one of the best choices.”

    PocketPC device contains “ARM” processor family;
    so InfoNES is portable to iPhone due it use the same processor family…

    ciao! 🙂

  8. they are barely able to run a homebrew hello world app on the iphone; My tomtom GPS contains an ARM cpu as well, so what… it may be possible to run that emulator on it, but it’s not that easy (remember… the system is not supposed to be “open”)

  9. my bad, i gotta admit, it looks more real with the source code :p

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