Skype Robot Demonstration


Have a look at this cool video, call your robot using Skype and have it perform spoken commands while you remotely watch the results. I for one am very impressed!


“Hot new video shows a Roboquad robot being controlled by voice, over the Internet with the help of Robodance and Skype’s video call service. The robot explores the house while beaming back audio and video to a laptop running only Skype. The laptop dials into the home computer which is running Robodance version 4, a free software program for making consumer robots do more then most people thought possible.

This mega-hack allows you to turn your Roboquad or other WowWee robot into your own remote controlled spy, accessible from anywhere in the world via the Internet, using the simple power of your voice. This hack does not void or affect the Roboquad’s warranty in any way. Robodance version 4 is due out at the end of November 2007.”

Thanks Robert


  1. I didn’t know laptops looked like old Macintosh computers… 😀

  2. The robot can’t really “explore the house” unless you live in a one-room house. The robodance software talks to your robot via IR.

    It’s a cool hack, though.

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