Space Pen

Looking for a pen that does more than the average pen? If so, you need to look into getting a space pen.

“* writes on wood, metal, drywall, rubber, plastic, foam
* features level and plumb vials,rugged ABS construction, magnetic base
* removable Space Pen
* Packaging is blister carded
* metric and imperial measurements”

Via: Daily Gadget


  1. I got one of these as a present for graduating highschool. I still use it to this day. You get used to the idea of writing anywhere with this pen–when you use other pens, you get mad at them for not working.

  2. Yeah, I think I saw these when hey came out… like 20 years ago?

  3. If it’s a “space” pen and were actually used in such an environment, I’m imagining the “bubble level” feature may be less than useful!

  4. [The Moscow Times, 2000]

    There is a charming anecdote that roams from e-mail box to e-mail box around the world about how, at the height of the space race, the Americans and Soviets approached the same problem: how an astronaut (or cosmonaut) could use a pen to write in zero gravity.

    As the story goes, the Americans spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on an ambitious, gravity-immune ballpoint pen; they successfully developed such a pen; and this pen went on to become a massive commercial success in the private sector. The Soviets – with the simple elegance their scientists are so rightly famed for – opted instead to use a pencil.

  5. I thought they spent around US$1Mill on developing a pen to write in space, but the real question is Does THIS pen write in space?

  6. the thing about pencils is that records fade away after a short period of time compared to pen. I have some old school papers that you can’t see anymore.
    Also copying records is one of those no-no’s scientist’s don’t like.
    Also having a pen that can grab on metal is good, why look around for a pencil.
    Many pencils can write on metal but how useful is it when it’s so dull?

    Both sides do have their own ways, and both sides have gone out to space and “beyond”. Inventing new things (engineers love this) or using simple elegance to combat problems (engineers love this too) both ways are cool and smart. That story however is a neat little story, that’s all it is.

  7. Saw something like this a few years ago, look tricky to balance in your hand.

  8. what a stupids are u americans nasa gave … of dollars for designing this pen that can write in space and..
    do u know what the russians did ?

    …..used pencil…

  9. NASA didn’t develop the space pen; the Fisher Space Pen Co. did. NASA used pencils for a while, but they were afraid they would break and pieces would float into astronauts’ eyes, the computers, etc., something called foreign-object damage (FOD). Fisher designed his pen with his own capital and then approached NASA for marketing purposes. Regular ball-point pens won’t write upside-down, but they will work in zero gravity. Russian cosmonauts actually use regular ball-point pens in space, not pencils or the Fisher pen. Many American astronauts use the Fisher pen. They’re nice pens; why not?

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