Waseda-Docomo Face Robot Version 2

This Waseda-Docomo Face Robot is made by Takanishi who will be featured at Wired Nextfest for this Biped Robot.

Video after the jump.

“During human communication, a human distinguishes the partnerfs individuals by the facial features such as the silhouette, the position and shape of each part, and gauges the mental state based on the facial expressions. Many researchers have developed the robots that can express their emotions using the facial expressions. However, a robot that can change individual facial aspects has not yet been researched. Therefore, we developed a face robot that expresses various faces by changing a shape of the mask and projecting a face image on the face mask. A shaft is driven to certain direction by a DC motor via a pully and a slide screw. It moves to other two directions in the same way. A connection part set at the tip of the shaft is connected with a control point on the face mask. However, the control points on the middle line are not driven from side to side”



  1. That is INSANE!!! Kinda scary.

  2. I saw something like this back when I was in Gettysburg for a field trip in the late 80’s. They are basically projecting a video onto the front of a 3D model.

    The fact that they can change the facial features doesn’t really mean anything. You still are looking at a static image, and when it’s all the way on the side it looks wrong.

    Now, let me know when they have the skin changing color, and then you’d have something.

  3. They sure do blink a lot…

  4. Yeah its scarry.
    But yet i cant imagine this stuff on a robot. We are far away from the I-robot kinda machines.

  5. this is going to be the robot empireor of the world.

  6. changing shape with changing projection. interesting, but pointless.

  7. very cool project in face recognization robotics technique…The principal difficulty for reconnaitre a face is the environment. Indeed, in laboratory, it is easy to create ideal conditions of detection but the thing is differently more difficult in a “real” environment such as the house. For example, if the face is too near or too far from the robot, if the weather is too dark, if the face is in back-light, or if the background is very disturbed, the robot will have more difficulties in identify its opposite human.

    The recognition of face is divided into two distinct phases which are:

    – the phase of detection of face in which the robot determines if a human being is present in its field of vision

    – the phase of identification of the face, which is started in the event of positive response of the first phase and will make it possible to compare the face detected with the bank of data of the faces “known” by the robot.
    ….however actually the project should targeted to create a better relation between the human one and the robot…the technology of recognition of face is essential in that point of view.Thanks.

  8. Robots getting creepier and creepier.

  9. Why spend all that money on technology such as this. Obviously a high buget project.

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