October 11, 2007

Mobile Phone Telescope

Here is a must have item for all of the peeping toms and bird watchers out there. Now not only can you easily snap pictures with your mobile phone you can also take pictures from long distances! The Mobile Phone Telescope is sure to be a popular device. “This Generic Mobile Phone Telescope, with the flexible adapter to mount the 7×18 telescope, can be used on most of mobile phones

Computer Controlled BBQ Smoker

  Trossen Robotics just had a project contest and the winners were all great. The second place Computer Controlled BBQ Smoker is my favorite out of the lineup! It uses the same logic that I use, anything can be improved with automation and electronics. 🙂 “Details: I/O: Phidgets 8/8/8 Inputs: Standard Meat Probe Thermistor Outputs: Phidgets Servo controller, Futaba Servo Software: Custom VB.NET application Software Process: Thermistor generates resistance with