Tube Tester – Nixie Site

Above image is a B9A Nixie Tube Tester & Regenerator that tests and removed cathode poisoning.

The B9A Nixie Tube tester is just one project from web site.

The site is in German and English and is hosted by Dieter. This site is one of the foremost resources around for Nixie tubes, antique tube testers and Nixie tube specifications.

Dieter collects data sheets of Nixie tubes from all over the world and posts these data sheets on his web site.

He builds custom Nixie clocks, sells kits and provides technical data.

Some more images, Link to Dieter’s site below:

Blue Light VFD Clock

Ah! that beautiful Nixie Glow!

Dieter’s Site


  1. I build my own Nixie Clock some days ago and used the site of Dieter for research and datasheets.
    I love Nixies. Now i have 3 of them.
    Next project will be a clock with VFD and Numitrons.

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