Cell Phone Jamming


In the past year or so cellphone jamming has become an increasingly more popular subject. Everyone has been plagued by obnoxious cellphone users in malls, buses, school, work, movie theaters, and in spite of being highly illegal, cellphone jammers are popping up in more and more places.


Green Bay Professional Packet Radio has a great writeup on how it works and even a how-to for building your own

How Stuff Works has a great article explaining the technology behind jamming in simple, non-techie terms.

Lady Ada’s project the Wave Bubble takes it to the next step by making an open source, wide band, self tuning, portable version of the jammer.

For those of you looking to try it out a budget, Instructables has some good ideas too.


Find all the latest mobile phones and deals at MobileShop.com


Buy Cell Phone Jammer Worldwide Shipping at, Signalbuster.com



  1. I must say, in the main link http://projects2.gbppr.org/mil/celljam the section titled ‘A Brief History of GSM Development’ basically boils down to racism and i am disappointed that hackedgadgets would post such an article.

  2. My question is…what is the difference from ‘highly illegal’ and ‘illegal’?

  3. Highly illegal: Besides breaking FCC laws, it could be deadly.

    What if someone needs to call 911? What if someone is trying to get a hold of someone in case a family emergency? Etc?

    As annoying as obnoxious cell users are, there are positives to cell phones that you just can’t ignore.

  4. illegal you shouldn’t do, highly illegal get’s you shot.

    that page isn’t racist, it’s nationalist (to the extreme), but not racist. not defending it, but if you’re going to attack something you should be accurate in your wording.

  5. I never even read the history, I just found the schematic and design notes to be informative and helpful. Sorry if I offended anyone

  6. Hi Steve,

    I skimmed over the page and it is filled with tons of great information. It is such a shame that some people that have great information to share have such slanted views on other topics… As Tony mentioned the link was provided for the technical information that is present.

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  8. I think the cell phone jammer has its purpose in society. Have you ever been to a restraunt and the person next to you is hollering on his cell phone over stupid things? Or interrupted by their nonstop ring tones. Or simply pass some erratic driver and notice that he is yacking on his cell phone….CELL PHONES ARE BECOMING A NUISANCE AND IM 100% for the JAMMER AND MIGHT JUST BE BUILDING ONE MYSELF…………………….

  9. Shadyman says: “What if someone needs to call 911? What if someone is trying to get a hold of someone in case a family emergency? Etc?”

    Ever heard of payphones? Nobody uses cells for real emergencies. It’s all “I was like… and she was like…and then I was like… and then she was like…”

  10. The cell phone jammer is the best device I have ever purchased since it is now possible to have some peace when dining out or even in a grocery store. I bought the amplifier option and by using an external antenna on my vehicle, I can prevent cell phone use by any drivers within site. Since I sometimes rent a vehicle for bsiness reasons, am going to get a GPS jammer to prevent the rental company from spying on me as to where Iv’e been.

  11. Cell Phone Jammers
    Cell Phone Jammer is an instrument to prevent cellular phone from receiving and transmitting the mobile signals to the base station. Mobile Cell Phone Jammer can block all kinds of mobile phone’s ringing sound at all places such as church, mosque, library, movie theater and meeting room. You just buy it and just attach it at some place. And you will never hear the bell sound of mobile phone any more.

    The Cell Phone Jammers are a necessity for accomplishing a more cultured society because there is a growing demand for silence at places like hospital, libraries and Movie Theatres. More about Cell Phone Jammer

  12. Antenna e-mobile solutions is your top source in India for cutting-edge, highly-effective mobile products and solutions. Whether it be our flagship cell phone jammers, mobile phone boosters, satellite phones, GPRS Modems or a whole range of latest electronic gadgets and gizmos, our mobile solutions make communication cheaper and secure. Your business will never be the same again…!

  13. yes cell phone jammer is hot product or what we say latest gizmo in the market,on searching through major search engine iam came to final point that http://www.cell-phone-jammers.com is good for same gizmo

  14. iam agree with you i saw thiscell-phone-jammers.com its beautiful for cell phone jammer

  15. i want to answer one question of Chris what is difference between highly illegal and illegal . some countries totally banned this product like Australia,USA,but mainly in asia countries it is legal in hospitals,school,jails or for security purpose but not for personal use without permission it is illegal for personal so know u might clear wht is highly illegal and illegal for more see

  16. sdayama,

    the website I bought the jammer from has many different type of jammers.
    The school I teach bought a high power cell phone jammer from them also. The teachers loved it, no more sms and cell phone interruptions during classes, students concentrate much better.

    I am buying a professional cell phone jammer from http://www.infostream.biz for my mom as a mother’s day gift. I have spent lots of time searching for cell phone jammers, I think these guys really have the best prices and extremely efficient service. I am happy with my purchase.
    I would recommend http://www.infostream.biz to any one who might have the same needs.

    Thank you.

  17. How many times does anyone have a so called family emergency that just cant wait? All the time. Stupid people fishing on the floor for their phone to inundate the airwaves with small talk. The other day, I saw a carload of men all on cell ophones. What are they doing??? Perhaps using up thier minutes that don’t roll over talking to each other when they can simply turn around and say it in person. Why does someone need to recieve a call in the middle of a college class or sit there texting? If their text is soooooooo important, then what the hell are they doing in that class? Its so rediculous how people are now addicted to that stupid little box like cigarette smokers that they just can’t put it down. I am surprised no doctor has begun surgically implanting these things in the palm of some people’s hands so they are never so far away that they have to pull it off the case on their belt!!!

  18. Lots of movie theaters ARE using them. However they’re not making it public knowledge. In case of emergency, landlines DO still exist…..

    Cell Phone Jammers

  19. I just picked up a jammer from cellphonejammer.cn and used it in the mall….OMG, so much fun!

  20. Anyone that suggest what if someone needs to dial 911, simply do what we did in the good old days. Use a landline, you know that thing with a cord attached. I am tired of hearing my daughters phone ringing when I am trying to go to sleep, plus it drives the dog crazy. Most people use them because they feel important when others see them on their cell. Hang up and try to live life, and learn to drive your car without that damn phone attached to your ear.

    I am getting a jammer.

  21. You’re right AkFred – landlines work just fine in case of an emergency – or – people can do the same thing they do now when they have no signal and just walk 50′ away.

  22. Cell phone jamming is illegal in most countries. Jamming poses a safety risk not only because people can’t dial 911 but also because it jams emergency communications (as was the recent case of a Spokane school that accidently jammed frequencies used by emergency responders and SWAT). Zone of Silence is an alternative to cell phone jamming. It communicates with the phone directly so it’s not jamming or overloading cell phone frequencies. It is highly configurable (a gym, for example, could install it to stop the camera from working in their locker rooms but everything else on the phone works) and always allows 911 to be called. It is NOT a jammer and therefore not illegal to sell, buy, own or operate. It is a safe and elegant alternative to cell phone jammers.

  23. Brett, where would you buy such a device?

  24. God bless technology… for those of you blatantly stupid and idiotic a–holes that deserve to get hit head on for all your next level dumba– moves because your cell phone “hoes” well I dont feel bad getting a bad ass jammer from spymodex.com so just I can f–k with ya… and if you get hurt or die from your stupidity… Good! The world will be a better place without your stupid DNA in it! 🙂 Cheers cellphone douchies!

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