Introducing Patrick Servello – New Hacked Gadgets Writer

We are happy to announce another fine writer will be joining the team here! Patrick Servello has set his sights at MIT to major in Software Engineering or Electrical Engineering. He operates a business repairing computers and working with computer networks. Patrick is planning to follow his passion for IT security, he has found holes in popular sites such as!

To learn more about Patrick have a look at his bio.


  1. Welcome Patrick, Nice article on botball. I wish you good luck with your direction towards MIT. Looking forward to reading more of your articles.


    Joe Pitz

  2. Welcome Patrick. Thanks for the botball link.

  3. Thank you Joe, that is very nice to here coming from someone as experienced as yourself. Also, people like you and Alan are what inspired me to go to MIT, and inspired me to try. So in reality, I should be thanking you.

    Thank you :]


  4. Ah, hear** sorry we have had no power all day and this is my first time typing since last night :p


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