Introducing Paul Wilhelm – New Hacked Gadgets Writer

Another exciting day for Hacked Gadgets! I am pleased to introduce Paul Wilhelm as the newest writer for Hacked Gadgets. Paul was introduced to electronics about 7 years ago and has never looked back. Paul is located in Germany and has the great ability to be able to translate from German to English. I am looking forward to reading some project details that Google Translator can’t do justice with.

Have a look at his Web site for some information of his past programming and electronic projects. His Web site will be translated to English in the future so that all of us non-German speaking people can appreciate his work. I am hoping that in the comign weeks Paul gives us some more English details about this Elektroschocker project!

To learn more about Paul have a look at his bio.


  1. Welcome Paul, It’s great to have someone who can give us DIY and electronics information from the German and Austrian perspective.

    I would love to attend some Metalab meetings in Vienna.


    Joe Pitz

  2. What’s up Paul, glad to see another writer :]


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