Nightclub LED Lighting System

 Have a look at this cool Nightclub LED Lighting System. If I owned a nightclub this system would be one of the first enhancements that would be added. The company has done quite a few 3D models of their designs which provide a great idea of what the end result will look like. I would be interested in knowing what type of RGB LED element they use and how they get the color to fill the globe as evenly as they do.




  1. Looking at the geometry of the dome, I’d say they’re using a single RGB point emitter. The Luxeon Rebel’s have a viewing angle of around 140 degrees. You can put three of those (RGB) on a ‘star’ type heatsink (or buy them thirdparty from places like Looking at the size of the hole in the back of one of the disco panels (as seen in the ‘cutting disco panels’ video), that’s about the size of one of the Luxeon star heatsinks.

    If you take the 140 degree viewing angle of the Rebels as a typical example and do the trig to figure out how far
    back you would have to put one behind a dome to capture most of the light, you come up with results that closely match the dimensions of the disco panels.

    So that’s my guess: single RGB high-intensity point source, no diffuser, no optics. Cheap and easy.

  2. How do they get it to align to the music that great. I mean flashing to the beat, i understand, but how it changes to different visualisation at perfect times is great. I have made a few LED projects, i wish they worked like that.

  3. lol i have this song on my Ipod

  4. I have a hard time believing it could sync so closely to any song.

  5. it can be programmed to run on point with a track. to run that closely would require specific programming for a track. its all DMX based lighting control

  6. sir can give me a job in your work shop

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